There’s so many tools your employees need to thrive, and understanding the needs of employees is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. Whether this is spearheading career development or offering fair wages, there’s a swift balance to be had for delivering the fundamentals. Let’s give your employees the tools they need to thrive.
Rewarding Good Behavior.
One of the keys to workplace excellence is ensuring they know when they’ve done an excellent job. A very simple motivational tool is to call out good behavior and reward it in very simple ways. Some people think they need to reward their employees with vouchers and things of monetary value, but sometimes a simple metaphorical pat on the back can be all they need to ensure that they’ve got the support of the people in charge. Many organizations seldom call out or reward good behavior because they are predominantly focused on targets and KPIs, but rewards should be a part of the default setting of any business.
Health and Wellbeing.
There are a number of changes afoot in the modern business. Post-pandemic, there’s been a greater focus on health and well-being, and now it’s easy to see why we should focus on it. We don’t live in a world where people need to be metaphorically whipped harder to work more. It’s now been shown that multitasking has an adverse effect on productivity. Health and well-being should be front and center of not just the culture of an organization but its motivation strategies. If an employee is happier, they are going to do better work.
Provide Purpose.
Purpose is one of those things that every employee should feel when they start their work in the morning. If an employee doesn’t have a reason to work, their motivation levels will suffer, and so will their productivity. To ensure an employee has a sense of purpose, they need to be aware of the bigger picture of the organization and also need to see how their work is contributing to that.
When somebody doesn’t have a reason to go to work in the morning, this can be a slippery slope to jumping ship. As employees become part of the fabric of a business over the months and years, reminding them of their purpose can be one essential approach. But if they feel their purpose is not aligning with their goals and values anymore, this is when you should look at progressing them within the organization. Sometimes having more responsibility allows them to “step up to the plate.”
Team Cohesiveness.
Even if an employee works by themselves, they need to be part of a thriving organization, and this means having a better working relationship with their team. When there’s conflict within a team, this has an instant effect on productivity and the culture in general.
This goes all the way back to motivation because if someone doesn’t have the same sense of motivation to help the team, then they’re not going to feel like they should help the business by proxy. Team cohesiveness is important because it doesn’t just help everyone understand people’s roles but is also critical for a healthy dynamic, which is not just focused on work, but fun.
Having the tools to thrive is about a number of different factors, and some of these might very well be lacking in your business.
Please cite as:
Ontology of Value (2024, January 29th). Beyond the Salary: Giving Your Employees the Right Tools to Thrive. Retrieved from:
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